Ukraine, 2022,
44"X52"x8", Wooden crutch,
Dyed cotton fabric, Rigging
January 6th , 2022, 44"X52"X8",
Wooden crutch, Cotton fabric, rigging
Stand-in 2.0, 2022,
38"X12"x9", Wooden Crutch
In Search of the Miraculous, 1995,
26"X4"X14", Hydrocal, Oak, linen
Ecover, 1996,
7"X4"X11.5", Cast Hydrocal
Flashlight, 1996,
7"X4"X8", Cast Hydrocal
The Road, Installation, Maryland woods
The Road, Installation, Maryland woods
Oedipus Colonus, 1996,
101"X44"X38", Hydrocal, Ladder Oil, Wax medium
The Road, 1996,
10"X30'X16', Cast Hydrocal, Oak, Linen
Red Wheel, 1994,
55"X55"X2", Pine, Crutches, Oil, wax, leather.
Kali, 1994,
55"X55"X2". Maple, Crutches, Ebony stain
El Camino, 1993,
41"X18"X193", Hitch, Ladder, Conestoga Wheel
End of the Trail, 1994,
28"X18"X10", Model shopping cart, Oak, Cotton